Southern Geophysical develop, own and operate a wide range of best-in-class equipment and processing software.
We have one of the largest pools of geophysical and NDT equipment in New Zealand, which is maintained and calibrated in accordance with manufacturer, and national and international standards.
Our warehouse manager, Mike Ross, is a qualified electrical appliance service person with an excellent understanding of electronics and mechanics . He keeps everything working properly so that the best data possible is obtained in the field.

Equipment list
4x 24-channel Geometrics Geode Seismographs
1x 48-channel Geometrics Strativisor Seismograph
1x PASI 24-channel + 1Hz sensor Seismograph
4x Three component Earthquake seismometer + 1Hz sensors
3x Three component Measurement Computing, internet enabled seismometers
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
1x GSSI 200HS Deep Radar system
1x GSSI 350HS Utility system
1x GSSI SIR-20 system
1x GSSI SIR-3000 system
1x GSSI 100MHz dual antenna system
2x GSSI 400MHz radar antenna
2x GSSI StructureScan MiniXT systems (concrete scanning)
2x GSSI 900MHz antenna
1x 2GHz palm antenna
1x 2.6GHz palm antenna
2x 200 MHz antenna
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Olson Instruments Freedom PC
Pile Integrity systems
SIR system (Slab Impulse Response)
SASW system (Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves)
CSL system (Crosshole Sonic Logging)
Parallel seismic system
TICO ultrasonic system (P-wave UPV)
Surveying Equipment
5x Trimble GNSS mapping systems with Tornado antennas +/- 10cm
1x Emlid Reach RS2+ GNSS system with real time positioning +/- 10cm
6x Motorola VHF radios with band license
Land streamers for MASW 0.25, 0.5m, 1m and 2m.
24-channel Landstreamer for shear wave reflection surveys.
1x Accelerated weight drop seismic source (50kg)
Large range of geophones and cables
1 x radio trigger system
EM systems
1x 128-channel Campus Tigre ERT/SP
1x 64-channel ZZGeo ERT/SP/IP
1x Bartington dual sensor magnet gradiometer
1x Geometric magnetometer
Geonics EM31
Geonics EM61 MK2
1x Mega DET5/4R ground earth meter with soil box
1x Hanna conductivity meter
1x 50m Single 3-component probe (cable)
1x 120m Dual 3-component probe (cable)
1x 120m Single 3-component thin 33mm probe (cable)
1x 30m Single 3-component probe system (push rod)
1x 34m inclinometer
Vibration Monitoring
11x Texcel internet enabled ETM systems
1x Texcel GTM system
Thermal Camera
Camera systems
Protimeter Hygromaster 2 hygrometer
Pulsar Nova 45K Class 1 sound monitor and calibrator
Standard metal detector
RD8200 utility wand and flexitrace
CAT4 and Genny
Lowrance sonar
How can we help?
If you would like to know what we can do to help you, please fill in the contact form below.