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Contact us: 0800 080 097

Contact us: 0800 080 097

Smith Crane & Construction – Dunedin

As part of a recent Smith Crane and Construction central Dunedin redevelopment project Southern Geophysical was proud to supply vibration monitoring and pile integrity testing

Vibration monitoring of the construction activity was undertaken in accordance with the approved noise and vibration management plan. The buildings surrounding the site, including several sensitive pre-1900’s structures, were monitored to ensure that vibration levels were maintained within the specified limits.

Pile testing equipment

The client was provided with real-time data via text messaging and regular weekly reports. This ensured any excessive vibration levels were identified and mitigated before damage could occur. The pile testing of the foundations allowed quality assurance based on the ASTM D5882-16 standard for the poured piles to be undertaken. 

How can we help?

If you would like to know what we can do to help you, please fill in the contact form below. 

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