Ground Water Investigations
Southern Geophysical conducts preliminary mapping and full-spectrum geophysical surveys, providing optimal techniques for accurate ground water exploration results
Prior to any geophysical survey, Southern Geophysical sends out qualified geologists and/or engineering geologists to:
Conduct preliminary geologic mapping
Determine if likely to find ground water
Determine whether or not it's in the client’s best interests to conduct a geophysical survey
Geophysical Surveying
Southern Geophysical is New Zealand’s only full-spectrum geophysical surveying company.
This means we can apply the appropriate technique for any environment for the best results.
Our range of techniques for groundwater exploration includes:
Well Logging
To improve the interpretation of the seismic profile, Southern Geophysical logs the wells that are drilled.

How can we help?
If you would like to know what we can do to help you, please fill in the contact form below.